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Reach all generations through influencer marketing
Influencer Marketing

Reach all generations through influencer marketing

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Whether they’re dancing on TikTok, posing on Instagram or vlogging their days on YouTube, young people are everywhere on social media. However, 20 years after the advent of Facebook, the profile of social network users is becoming more diverse. The platforms have become commonplace and now attract an audience and influencers “from 7 to 77 years old”. An opportunity for brands to reach different audiences. So, in 2021, is influencer marketing still a “youth thing”? Hivency by SKEEPERS, the influencer marketing solution, takes a look at the question. 

Finding multigenerational audiences on social networks

Most social networks attract multigenerational audiences. Indeed, if the “digital natives” have made social networks a way of life, the older generations are becoming more inclined to include social networks into their daily life. 


Facebook and the age of maturity

It is no surprise that Facebook, the oldest of the social media, is particularly appealing to adult and mature audiences. Nearly half of the people over 65 use Mark Zuckerger’s social network. A figure that is growing in the younger age groups. 


YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest become commonplace

Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest are also experiencing a steady demographic diversification. Each of these social networks has a good penetration rate among adults and seniors:

  • 47% of the 30-49 year olds, 23% of the 50-64, and 8% of people aged over 65 use Instagram.
  • This is similar to the success of Pinterest, which convinces 35% of 30-49 year olds, 27% of 50-64 year olds, but also 15% of the people over 65.
  • YouTube is much more deeply rooted in the habits of Internet users, and it is recording record penetration rates, all generations included. 38% of the over-65s consume videos on the platform. This figure is less than half that observed among younger people.


The world of influencer marketing is broad

The incredible success of child influencers

Today’s child influencers have become household names, sometimes achieving record audiences. At 10 years old, Ryan Kaji is now famous for being one of the highest paid YouTubers in the world. And for good reason, the young influencer has more than 49,104,456,440 views (you read that right) and has many partnerships on his YouTube channel, “Ryan’s world“.


As platforms evolve, so do early influencers

Now fully grown up, the first generation of content creators offers a new face to the world of influence. Such influencers, Zoella for instance, talk about themes related to their new life experiences (business, parenthood, couples, real estate, etc.) without forgetting their first loves (fashion and beauty in particular). 



Fewer in number, but influencers in their forties and fifties are nevertheless very present

The world of influence is not just for millennials, far from it! Influencers like Valarie, also known as midlifeposhcloset on Instagram, gather large communities where they share their passion for fashion and lifestyle.


Silver influencers more visible?

Influencers over 50 also have large communities, especially on Instagram. For instance, Dian Griesel, a model and the leader of a PR firm, has 29.8K followers. 


Family influencers in all their diversity

Proof of the multigenerational nature of audiences, influence is now practiced in the family. Parents and children share their daily life on social networks, such as Fizz Family which has 524K followers. This type of influencer does not only target a “family” audience but also various niches such as lifestyle, food, etc. 


Social networks are gradually becoming mirrors of our society. The youngest audiences, as well as the oldest, can now find content that resembles them and influencers with whom they can identify. Thus, influencer marketing concerns not only all sectors, but also all generations. 

Do you want to effectively reach a multi-generational audience? Visit the Hivency by Skeepers platform to find influencers or identify influential families for your next influencer marketing campaign.


Photo credits: Samia Liamani via Unsplash