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Retail and lifestyle: how to choose and optimize social networks?
Influencer Marketing

Retail and lifestyle: how to choose and optimize social networks?

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Every day, Internet users consult 2.7 social networks and messaging services. Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat and blogs, it is difficult to know where you stand and how to adequately communicate on the different social media. How do you choose the right platforms to use? How can you optimize the use of these social networks? Should we set up brand partnerships with micro and nano influencers?

In this article, we’ll help you answer all these questions to help you create digital marketing strategies that are optimal for your industry: retail / lifestyle.

Instagram is aesthetic 

Instagram is a very versatile platform thanks to its different forms of content: stories, posts, carousels, videos, reels, etc. Often characterized for an aesthetic feed, for its spontaneous stories and the professional side of the IGTV’s and Reels, influence is in full swing on this platform.

By setting up brand partnerships with micro and/or nano influencers on Instagram, you will gain visibility. You can organize giveaways, distribute promo codes or offer discounts. All of these levers strengthen the bond between influencers and the brand, the stronger the relationship, the more successful the campaign.

When you organize an influencer campaign, you write the brief and the publication conditions. You can request an unboxing, updates on the use of the product throughout the day, posts inspired by a mood board , all while giving the influencer creative freedom. You can always determine certain publication guidelines: publish dates, deadlines, etc. Stories should not be neglected: 500 million stories are posted every day on Instagram, they are important and can be as elaborate as a post. All of these conditions can form part of an overall communication strategy.

Remember that you can reuse content created by influencers in marketing campaigns or on your own social networks. Consider incorporating your micro and/or nano influence strategy into your overall digital marketing strategy. The benefits will only be better.

Tiktok, its visibility and targets 

This new social network has the power to make any product or service viral in just a few hours. Its excellent algorithm allows its users to discover videos that are likely to please them in their For You Page (TikTok’s recommendation feed, which is personalized to each user based on the content watched on the app), which leads to the virality of certain videos or their authors. In fact, 50 % of Chinese app users share their TikTok findings on other platforms. Collaborating with content creators can help the development of challenges, dances or sounds. Subsequently, your content might or might not go viral. There’s unfortunately no guarantee. 

In addition, the video sharing platform is used by micro and nano influencers to share their new discoveries, their tips, their new acquisitions. You can set up a marketing strategy around TikTok: promo codes, reductions or giveaways, which can attract consumers.

YouTube for its long-term visibility

YouTube has been around for years and has become an unforgettable social network. Many brand partnerships are offered to macro-influencers, a good part of the micro and nano-influencers, who are very popular on other social networks, are forgotten.

With house tours, room tours, what’s in my bag, vlogs and many others, the platform’s video content is rich and provides good visibility. By offering brand partnerships to these micro and nano influencers, you can attract curious consumers. Indeed, after presenting the product, most of the time we see it again in future videos, whether in the decor or in the environment. They become reminders of your product.

Micro influence campaigns help build a relationship of trust between influencers and brands. Just like influencer strategies on Instagram, creating the brief and posting conditions is important and can influence the results. By guiding content creators through their brand partnerships, you will discover publications that suit you and reflect your brand, and therefore can be reused in the rest of your marketing strategy.

Ratings and reviews are important!

Internet users like to read consumer reviews before buying something.  The average duration of the consultation of opinions is 13.45 minutes before making the decision. Clients love to read reviews and want to be sure of their future purchases. In order to have quality and constructive opinions, you can set up ratings and reviews campaigns. These allow you to have reviews on the merchant sites of your choice, only by sending your product to an influencer. Some influencer platforms, such as Hivency, allow the creation and monitoring of these ratings and reviews campaigns.

Just like micro and nano influence campaigns, ratings and reviews campaigns are even more beneficial as part of an overall marketing strategy.

Blogs inspire

Inspiration is really important for the retail and lifestyle industries. Blog articles allow you to highlight your products and give them visibility. By providing consumer reviews AND reusable visuals for your own social networks and / or communication, blog posts are a real plus. 77 % of Internet users read blog articles! Micro and nano-influencers offer quality and complete reviews. Longer than basic consumer reviews, blog articles go in more depth and allow you to really highlight your product and your brand.

Again, through influencer campaign building platforms, building brand partnerships is easy. Supported, you can write brief and publication conditions according to the objectives of the campaign.

Micro-influence has become essential in digital marketing campaigns. Internet users trust them and like to discover new products and brands via their social networks.

However, micro and nano-influence campaigns work even better when they are repeated brand partnerships: the relationship between the influencer and the brand will only be strengthened, which will be felt in the fallout of the publications: if we hear a lot about a product, we’ll think about it when we need to buy a product.

Depending on the industry, the choice and use of social media is different. You can find our tips for the beauty, food and fashion industry on our marketing blog.