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Use video in your Influencer Campaigns to increase your brand awareness
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Use video in your Influencer Campaigns to increase your brand awareness

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The video format has taken off in 2021, and this attractiveness for this format will persist and grow in 2022. Its format has seduced and influenced its users : 92% of users say they have taken an action (comment,  follow a brand…) after watching a TikTok video (source : TikTok For Business). In addition, TikTok has encouraged social networks to adopt the short video format. Today, Instagram, YouTube, etc. offer this type of video. In this way, brands and influencers have the choice of which platform to communicate on.   

Video allows you to express your creativity through visuals, music, effects… that will serve to develop the notoriety of your brand.

Hivency by Skeepers, explains how to take advantage of video in your influencer campaigns.

The benefits of using video in your influencer campaigns 

People like Snack-content

Video has long been a part of brand marketing strategy, but today it has a dominant role to play. Indeed, the video channel attracts consumers because it is an easy content (also called snack content) that is creative and engaging. From a brand perspective, 96% of marketers plan to maintain or even increase their video marketing budget in 2022 (source: HubSpot). 

Thanks to the constant innovations of social networks about video channel, it is now easy to produce an engaging video and to share it, especially with Instagram’s Reels that last up to 60 seconds.This accessibility has created a strong competition on social networks: that’s why it’s important to have a complementary influencer marketing strategy to differentiate yourself and develop your notoriety at the same time.  



Video, the perfect support for your storytelling

Influence marketing allows you to create a link between consumers and brands through influencers. Moreover, this strategy brings visibility to your campaigns but also notoriety, highlighting your brand, its values and its offer.    

Nano and micro are veritable storytellers, communicating their experience around your brand with authenticity to their followers. Storytelling is the story they tell around this experience and the way they communicate it, which has the power to inspire their community. Indeed, during an unboxing in a YouTube video, or even in an Instagram story, influencers highlight your product from all angles thanks to light, filters, or even by performing a crash test to directly demonstrate the efficacity of the product.  

@andreaznn #collage avec @poopiblh crashtest @Maybelline New York France SUPERSTAY 30h #superstaytest #crashtestmakeup @Hivency ♬ son original – andreanz


Which social network to choose for your Influencer campaign?

Most of the social networks offer the video format : in the form of live, permanent videos on the account or even temporary content… But in 2021 we saw the shorter video format explode!  Initiated by TikTok, this vertical and engaging video format has been developed on Instagram with Reels, on YouTube with YouTube Shorts… 

  • YouTube Shorts: the video platform has announced to allocate 100 million dollars for the remuneration of influencers via their YouTube Shorts content in 2021 and 2022 (source: HubSpot). This will encourage them to create this type of engaging videos! For brands that collaborate with Youtubers this is a real opportunity to include in your brief content ideas using Shorts, videos of 60 seconds maximum, to present your products during an unboxing for example.  
  • Instagram Reels: launched since November 2020 in France, this format is competing with TikTok videos! On our platform, bringing together the expertise of Hivency and Octoly, brands don’t hesitate to exploit this engaging feature to promote their latest product line or co-branding operation !
  • TikTok videos: these have inspired the two social networks mentioned above to develop this very engaging format! Moreover, a TikTok video increases the sales of your products. Indeed, the #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt, which has accumulated more than 7 billion views, shows how viral a product can become in a short time on this platform: a great opportunity for your brand awareness!   

Influencers will be your best asset to develop your brand awareness through engaging videos on different platforms. In our second edition of the Future of Influencer Marketing e-book, we give you more ideas for collaborations with influencers using the video format. In addition, an entire section is dedicated to TikTok, which will inspire you for your next campaigns! 

Just click below to discover our new e-book! 


Photo credits: Jakob Owens via Unsplash