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What are the keys to setting up an retail-specific omnichannel strategy?

What are the keys to setting up an retail-specific omnichannel strategy?

For its fifth edition, Paris Retail Week entirely revamped itself. To personalize the customer experience, the event put a brand new thematic program run by eight mentors in place. As recognized experts in their field, they, therefore, will be points of reference for professionals seeking answers to their daily problems.

For retailers, the challenge is no longer to attract consumers online or in stores. It is now imperative to satisfy on all communication channels. But for “online” and “offline” to be in conjunction, it is imperative to establish a complementarity between the different channels, otherwise risk seeing consumer move on to the competition. A difficult exercise that Tatiana Pecanac-Ayel, e-commerce and cross-channel manager at Devred 1902, is undertaking.
She is responsible for fluidifying the customer journey in connection with the ready-to-wear menswear brand outlets. She must constantly analyze customers shopping journey to better meet their expectations. She will attend Paris Retail Week and will discuss these challenges.

The eight issues and eight mentors who shall represent them can be seen at the Porte de Versailles exhibition, in Paris, from September 24-26 2019. This major European event for the entire trade ecosystem will bring together 25,000 professional visitors, from start-ups to major e-commerce brands and retail brands. During the event, e-retailers and retailers will have the opportunity to interact with more than 600 exhibitors and attend 200 conferences to better negotiate and benefit from forthcoming changes in connected commerce.

Article taken from , content realized in partnership with Comexposium