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Target the Gen-Z thanks to micro-influence

Target the Gen-Z thanks to micro-influence

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Generation Z (people born after 1997), also known as the digital natives, has very attractive qualities for a brand that wants to rejuvenate its target. Indeed, between a very interesting purchasing power and a significant presence on social networks which amounts to about 2h55 on the networks per day, the young generation is the target to have in an influence marketing strategy (source: Influencer Marketing Hub).

Moreover, this generation is influenced by content creators, with 50% trusting their recommendations. To rejuvenate your target audience, you need to capture the attention of the younger generation, something that is difficult to achieve with the overdose of content circulating on social networks. Hivency, the influencer platform, gives you the keys to capturing a younger audience.

Why choose micro-influence? 

Social networks are inundated with various content created by average users, brand advertisements and influencer posts. So how can you capture the attention of digital natives? This is where micro-influence comes in. Micro-influence is known to appeal to users because of its authenticity. Users identify more easily with content created by nano- and micro-influencers who reveal a daily life close to that of their followers. In addition, by having niche communities, nano- and micro-influencers carefully select brands to collaborate with in order to meet their followers’ desires.

To capture the attention of the younger generation, which is fond of influencers, you need to work with carefully selected nano and micro-influencers who will be able to promote your brand and your offer in an honest and authentic way. This authenticity translates into an impressive engagement rate, particularly on Instagram, with approximately 7.2% compared to 1.1% for accounts with more than 100,000 followers (source: HubSpot).

In addition to engagement, there are other benefits to having a long-term relationship with micro-influencers:

  • Your targeting will be more relevant and the storytelling of the content creators will be more positive and attractive;
  • Your brand awareness will improve considerably because the influencer communities will know the values and benefits of your products and services, etc. 


How does micro-influence come into play?

A greener rebranding 

The young generation, so coveted by brands, is demanding environmental and ethical commitment. Indeed, 63% of Gen-Z is willing to spend more on environmentally friendly products (source: CSnews). Faced with ecological issues, many brands have opted for rebranding, which refers to the modification of the image of a product or the brand in general in order to respond to new issues and expectations on the part of consumers. This strategy has several advantages:

  • Modernise your brand. Indeed, by taking into account current issues, such as sustainable development, the brand shows that it is adapting and listening to the needs of consumers. In addition to an influence strategy, your rebranding will reach a large and ideal audience, and give a boost to your brand’s reputation.
  • Improve your e-reputation. By adapting your strategy to current trends and topics, consumers and influencers will generate user-generated content, or UGC, for your brand.

For example, Garnier has launched a new range of #switchtosolid shampoo that is more eco-responsible, being more economical in terms of quantity with 100% recyclable cardboard packaging. Micro-influencers then make stories or Reels on Instagram to show its use. Their community easily identifies with them, thanks to the authentic content posted, so it is easier to convince them to switch to this more eco-friendly format. In addition, the younger generation, who are heavily present on Instagram, appreciate this content. If you want to find influencers that perfectly match your expectations, our platform can help you with your influencer strategy.


TikTok: the social network to integrate into your strategy in 2022

Appealing snack content for Gen-Z

The younger generation is a fan of short videos, a format that is highly entertaining, easy to consume and results in a lot of engagement. TikTok is the trendy platform to offer this type of content, and it is a hit! Indeed, September 2021 was the record month, with more than one billion active visitors during that month (source: Digimind). We can specify that this visitor base is mainly composed of the younger generation, with 25% of American users of TikTok are aged between 10 and 19 years old (source: Statista).

It is the right platform if you want to rejuvenate your target audience. The good news? If you too want to launch a campaign on TikTok, the Hivency platform is now present on this platform. Here are some tips for working with micro-influencers on this social network: 

  • Creativity. A lot of challenges and video content come from TikTok and are shared on other platforms like Instagram. Content creators, especially on this social network, are very creative and know how to seduce their community. So, give them freedom in creating content or offer them entertaining, original content adapted to their community.
  • The hashtag is a very good way to engage a community. By creating an original hashtag, on the one hand you stand out from the competition and on the other hand you create a lot of engagement.
  • Watch for trends. On this social network, trends arrive every month, so they are very short-lived. This is the novelty that Gen-Z is looking for! Nano and micro-influencers are aware of the latest trends, so it is interesting to brainstorm with them (source: Stratégies).

The engagement rate on TikTok is unbeatable, especially with micro-influencers. In fact, content created by micro-influencers on the social network generates an average engagement rate of 17.96% compared to 1.63% on YouTube (source: Influencer Marketing Hub)! A figure that should encourage you to take the plunge.


The luxury industry on TikTok

It is interesting to take a look at this sector where exclusivity prevails. Until a few years ago, the luxury industry was mainly looking to celebrities to communicate. Today, it has a strong presence on social networks and is well aware that influence is a powerful marketing lever. Moreover, the younger generations, including generation Z and the millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, represent 20% of total spending in luxury (source: Fashion Network).

The German luxury brand Hugo Boss launched the #MerryBOSSMas challenge on TikTok last December, which has been viewed more than 4 billion times. The engagement that this hashtag has generated with both macro and micro-influencers has allowed the brand to considerably increase its visibility.


Changing into my holiday Outfit by @Boss X Justin Teodoro real quick join the challenge and duet my video with your best poses #merrybossmas #ad

♬ BOSS – LODEF ft. Fleur East


By collaborating with macro-influencers, you work on your notoriety, whereas by using micro-influencers, you reach niche communities and work on your visibility. To target the younger generation, it is therefore imperative to include an influence strategy on social networks.

Photo credits: Jeremy Bezanger via Unsplash