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PHOTOSÌ Case study : How to ensure the presence of your brand internationally thanks to micro-influence
Influencer Marketing

PHOTOSÌ Case study : How to ensure the presence of your brand internationally thanks to micro-influence

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Ensuring the presence of a brand internationally is not an easy task for brands as each market has its own specificities. However, it is one of the main goals of companies that want to expand beyond their borders.

Teaming up with content creators and micro-influencers has proven to be a great way to cross borders.

In order to help professionals ensure the presence of their brand abroad, Hivency and Photosì have created a case study to give their best advice.


photosi profil 2“We think of all the themes of the different campaigns, by focusing on special events such as Valentine’s day, Mothers/Fathers day, Christmas, but also in day to day events, ideas for birthdays, to decorate the house, etc… 

Of course we adapt this to each country, not all the events take place during the same dates. Mother’s day for example takes place begining of May in Italy and Spain while it is celebrated at the end of the month in France. It is important to bear that in mind”

Alessia Muccioli, Influencer Marketing Photosì


Photosì’s success in influencer marketing

In this case study, you will find, among other things:

  • The success story of Photosì in multiple countries simultaneously
  • An Example of  One strategy adapted to a multi-market environment 
  • An overview of the of 60 campaigns in 7 different country.
  • 4 best practices for launching international micro-influencer campaigns with your brands. 

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Who is Photosì? 

PhotoSì is a company leader in the photography market in Italy and expanding in Europe. They have a presence in 8 countries and keep developing new markets.


Photo credit: @mamansoccupedetout on Instagram