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Key dates for launching influencer marketing campaigns in 2022
Influencer Marketing

Key dates for launching influencer marketing campaigns in 2022

This content is outdated, we are currently working on updating it!

A new year means a new calendar! In order to efficiently prepare your influencer campaigns, the SKEEPERS influencer marketing solution, combining the Octoly and Hivency influencer platforms, offers you its 2022 influencer campaign calendar. Accompanied by the key dates that will punctuate this new year, you can find ideas for collaborations with influencers and our recommendations.

Have a long-term vision when collaborating with influencers

The calendar with the key dates of the coming year is the essential tool for any brand wishing to operate during commercial highlights and have a global influencer strategy. It is important to remember that influencer marketing is an effective strategy when the brand has a long term vision, for example a product placement at one time of the year is not enough to make a lasting impression on consumers and convince influencers about the quality of your products. It is ideal to launch campaigns in brand-influencer partnerships as the year progresses. 

Our 3 tips for collaborating with influencers throughout 2022

To foster a good and long-term relationship with your influencers, here are some tips you can easily implement: 

  • Create an ambassador program with a selection of your favorite influencers. As a reminder, an ambassador is someone who knows your brand inside out and doesn’t hesitate to promote your products or services. To do this, choose those who are most in line with your values, and ideally, nano-influencers and micro-influencers who are brand advocates known for their authenticity!
  • Carry out a co-branding operation. This operation consists in associating yourself with a brand that is complementary and/or different from yours to offer a unique and limited endowment on the market, during a special time like Mother’s Day for example! This type of one-off operation appeals to influencers who will enthusiastically communicate about this offer in stories. At the same time, they will create qualitative UGC to highlight this prize.
  • Partner with influencers for co-creation. Don’t hesitate to listen to their ideas: they know the tastes and expectations of their niche community and will be able to propose a product that reflects your brand, while adding his personal touch. This operation will boost your sales!




Example of our influencer marketing campaigns calendar

Each month, you can find our tips for collaborations with influencers. We give you ideas by using different social media, such as TikTok or Instagram, and we recommend some strategic operations depending on the date. Now it’s time for you to play! 

March calendar 2022Photo credits: Hivency by SKEEPERS