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[REPLAY – WEBINAR] The keys to accelerating the ROI of your marketing campaigns during the recovery with the testimony of Cyrillus

[REPLAY – WEBINAR] The keys to accelerating the ROI of your marketing campaigns during the recovery with the testimony of Cyrillus

The recovery is unquestionably shaping up to be a crucial moment for retailers, who will have to act with accuracy and relevance in order to stand out from the crowd and emerge from the ambient noise.

By taking full advantage of their data thanks to artificial intelligence, retailers, like the Cyrillus brand, can set up individualized marketing action plans that will allow them to solicit each individual in a relevant way and quickly generate sales on the website and in-store.


Thanks to the testimony of Cécile Delaby, Marketing, Prospection and Customer Loyalty Manager at Cyrillus and to concrete examples of individualized campaigns implemented by the marketing teams of the brand, discover the keys to effectively renew the relationship with your customers and accelerate the ROI of your campaigns as soon as the activity resumes:   

1 – Maintain the link and stay present in your customers minds

-> Identify the most relevant themes and products to offer them 

2 – Generate qualified traffic as soon as the recovery is starts by activating the CRM database in a relevant way

-> Find physical customers on digital to increase their contactability and their value. 

-> Capitalize on AI to identify the right pretexts for solicitation in order to make them react

-> Propose the products they are most likely to like using predictive models

3- Detecting and accompany purchase intentions 

-> Detect and qualify the purchase intentions of site visitors 

-> Identify intending buyers through data reconciliation 

-> Accompany them at all points of contact up until conversion with individualized content and relevant product recommendations

Discover now the video replay of the webinar, recorded on 05/05/2020.

View video here


David Le Douarin – Co-founder – Advalo

Cécile Delaby – Marketing, Prospection and Customer Loyalty Manager – Cyrillus