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Digital agency vs. influencer platform: find your perfect solution
Influencer Marketing

Digital agency vs. influencer platform: find your perfect solution

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Faced with the raging competition, the proliferation of fake influencers and the multitude of KPIs, it is essential to get help in this process. Two solutions are available to marketers: the digital agency or the influencer platform. Are you swaying between these two alternatives? Here are 4 questions to ask yourself in order to choose the ideal solution for your influencer marketing strategy.

1 – Do you want to keep control of your marketing strategy?

Using a digital agency allows you to delegate your entire marketing strategy and focus on your core business. The agency takes care of the strategic, administrative, legal and creative aspects of your influencer marketing campaigns.

On the contrary, if you have a team that is aware of the challenges of digital marketing, there is no need to outsource the design of your strategy. Like 78% of marketers, you’re likely to prefer to manage your influencer marketing campaigns in-house.

Influencer platforms are management, optimisation and analysis tools that make this autonomy possible. They save you valuable time by using the powers of machine learning and automating many tasks. An influencer platform provides you with the information and logistical support you need to focus on the essential aspects of your campaigns (brief, choice of influencers, analysis of results, etc.).

Do your teams want to benefit from additional expertise without losing control of their missions? Some influencer platforms, such as Hivency, offer tailor-made support. Our experts (Influence Campaign Manager and Customer Success Manager) provide you with personalized advice on the strategic and operational aspects of your campaigns.


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2 -Do you find it difficult to identify influencers?

Many advertisers struggle to find influencers to promote their brand. Only 14% of marketers find it easy to find a content creator that fits their campaign. Fake profiles are their ‘pet peeve’. In the first half of 2019, mentions of fake influencers were on the rise on social networks, even as the amount of discussion about influencer marketing was decreasing.

If you too are having trouble finding serious content creators, it will be beneficial to turn to an influencer platform. Indeed, this type of service relies on artificial intelligence to analyze a very large number of profiles and the quality of their audience. It automatically and accurately identifies credible influencers and weeds out the cheaters. This is an indispensable tool: digital agencies themselves rely on the services of influencer platforms to choose the influencers they work with!

The influencer marketing industry will be worth 15 million dollars by 2022.

3 – Do you prefer macro-influence or micro-influence?

Macro-influencers are great allies in boosting your brand awareness. Nano and micro-influencers, on the other hand, enjoy a real proximity with consumers and a genuine power of recommendation, synonymous with the act of buying. The major brands have not been mistaken, since 2016 they have increased their collaborations with micro-influencers by 300%.

Using an influencer platform is an almost unavoidable solution if you want to embark on the adventure of micro-influence. It is impossible to manually comb through thousands of profiles to select those that best fit your sector and your needs.

On the other hand, if you want to get in touch with a macro-influencer who is in great demand, turn to an agency with which he or she has a special relationship. This agency will act as an intermediary and facilitate the collaboration.


Photo credit: Liza Summer 

4 – Do you want to buzz or be visible in the long term?

For your brand, are you more of a publicity stunt or a long-term influencer strategy? Faced with the proliferation of information, creating a buzz allows you to quickly increase your notoriety. An expert digital marketing agency will be able to offer you highly effective campaigns in terms of visibility by relying on the influencers it works with.


If you want to stay in the limelight, you should also consider a sustainable strategy. For this, there is nothing like having a direct and close relationship with influencers via an influencer platform. This way, you can create a real relationship of trust, even if you work with numerous content creators. A platform of influencers allows you to communicate in a fluid way and to set up constructive exchanges (sharing news, insights, creative ideas, etc.). This type of interaction is highly appreciated by influencers and guarantees you a continuous presence on social networks. Nothing like this for a successful activation!

As you can see, influencer platforms and digital agencies offer services that are both different and complementary. Taking stock of your skills and objectives will allow you to choose the solution best suited to your situation. Delegating your marketing strategy or optimizing its management in-house: it’s up to you to decide.

Article source: Influencer Marketing Hub; Hubspot x Hivency; Talkwalker & Hubspot