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Omnicanality can save stores from closing down during COVID-19

Omnicanality can save stores from closing down during COVID-19

David Le Douarin, co-founder and CEO of Advalo, discusses how an omnichannel approach can help retailers survive the pandemic.

30-second summary:

  • Omnicanality, which consists in being able to address customers who only buy in a store on other channels (email, SMS, social networks, search, etc.), represents a significant value creation opportunity for companies.
  • The brands that manage to stand out and maintain a close and trusting relationship with their customers are the ones that will succeed in maintaining their business over the long term.
  • Identify your best customers and address similar profiles in your acquisition campaigns in order to recruit immediately your future best customers, those who will generate the most value over time.
  • A key factor in personalizing marketing actions to each consumer, depending on the products for which he or she has a strong preference. With the help of relevant product recommendation templates, retailers can effectively turn purchase intentions into action, directly on their websites.

Read the entire article here: