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[CLIENT TESTIMONY] Eram saw a fourfold increase in its communications by opening new digital points of contact with its customers

[CLIENT TESTIMONY] Eram saw a fourfold increase in its communications by opening new digital points of contact with its customers

With Advalo, Eram was able to avoid drops in contactability of its database and find its customers on new digital touchpoints thus increasing communications.

Find below feedback from François Aspe, E-Commerce and Client  Marketing Director for Eram and Bocage, recorded at the ERAM Group x Advalo webinar.

The Internet and new technologies have changed the way consumers make purchases.
A considerable advantage today for brands is to communicate to their customers as soon as possible on digital channels and to support them throughout the customer journey.

The shoe brand Eram suffered from shortness in the momentum of the impact of its CRM actions, in particular, due to an increasingly weak contactability of its customer base.

By reconciling the online and offline data relating to its customers within the Advalo platform. Eram was able to access an omnichannel vision of their journeys and make the link between their “physical” ( in-store contact data, in-store transaction history …) and “digital” activity (browsing behaviors).

Thanks to the platform’s native connections with various digital players (Facebook, Instagram, Google …), Eram was able to open new points of contact with its customers, by finding them on the internet (especially on social networks) when browsing. 

Eram was able to increase its ability to communicate with its customers by 4.2. The brand now has a new way of addressing its customers. 50% of individuals who are now contactable were not by email initially.


Eram in this way was able to outline an individual relational strategy adapted to social networks where they relay special offers ( Birthday offer, welcome offer or content for inactive customers …), on Facebook and Instagram.

This evolvement on digital added to the sending of emails (in overpressure), or in substitution for customers not reachable by email (refusal of opt-in), notably allowed Eram to increase incremental conversions by 24% on deployed campaigns.


Excerpt from the ERAM Group x Advalo webinar


NEWS – August 2019

After 6 months of successful POC, we are pleased to announce our continued support of the brand Bocage in the implementation of individual marketing, generating traffic and turnover in-stores.