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Data and AI : The ethical implications and recommendations of CNIL the National Commission on Informatics and Liberty

Data and AI : The ethical implications and recommendations of CNIL the National Commission on Informatics and Liberty

Even before the promulgation of the GDPR the CNIL initiated a work of reflection on the good uses of artificial intelligence and the need to supervise these practices in 2017.

As a guarantor of the ethical principles set by the legislator, the CNIL is one of the most legitimate and benchmark bodies in terms of regulating technical and technological developments.

Eager to include citizens in a public reflection and not compartmentalize the ethical debate simply to experts in the field. The CNIL initiated in 2017 a succession of public debates which took place from January to October throughout France.

This collective approach led to an 80-page report published in December 2017, which is divided into 3 main parts. It first defines AI and its uses then lists the ethical issues it raises before bringing in the third step, the answers.

6 ethical issues identified by the CNIL:

  • Humain and machine autonomy
  • Discrimination and exclusion likely to be caused by AI
  • Personalization in the face of collective logic
  • AI learning and development vs data collection
  • Quality, quantity, relevance : Data issues provided by AI
  • Human identity facing the challenge of artificial intelligence


Find the complete report here