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[CLIENT TESTIMONY] Bocage optimized its acquisition campaigns by targeting look-alikes of its best customers through audiences designed by Advalo AI.

[CLIENT TESTIMONY] Bocage optimized its acquisition campaigns by targeting look-alikes of its best customers through audiences designed by Advalo AI.

Based on a thorough analysis and segmentation of Bocage’s database, Advalo’s teams, we’re able to identify characteristics of the profiles of its best male customers, in order to create a specific audience within the framework of a look-alike campaign on Facebook and Instagram.

Find below feedback from François Aspe, E-Commerce and Client Marketing Director for Eram and Bocage

The shoe brand Bocage objective was to increase the volume of its male customers, the brand wanted to engage similar profiles to those who make up its “Very good customers” segment; whose frequency and amount of purchase are the highest.

With the Advalo platform, the brand’s marketing teams were able to directly adjust this audience before transmitting it to Facebook, the brand’s partner within the context of look-alike campaigns.

To design this target audience, Advalo algorithms identified all the common characteristics of all the male individuals that make up its “Best Customer” segment, in order to identify the “look-alike” profiles on social networks, potential future best customers of Bocage.. 

In addition, the brand wanted to avoid that customers already present in the database be affected by these campaigns. A phenomenon which can lead to unnecessary additional costs and inappropriate marketing overpressure and can put the customer experience and brand image at a disadvantage.

Through the omnichannel vision provided by the platform, in which the online and offline customer journeys are linked, individuals already included in the CRM database can be partially retargeted on digital channels.

By choosing to push back an audience corresponding to these individuals, Bocage was able to exclude them from the look-alike targeting, ensuring that they would not be activated by this acquisition campaign.

Bocage is now able to precisely optimize its acquisition costs by concentrating marketing efforts on the most appealing profiles for the brand.



Excerpt from the ERAM Group x Advalo webinar


NEWS – August 2019

After 6 months of successful POC, we are pleased to announce our continued support of the brand Bocage in the implementation of individual marketing, generating traffic and turnover in-stores.