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[TRIBUNE] David Le Douarin : “Data-driven marketing provides concrete solutions to act against the drops of in-store traffic”

[TRIBUNE] David Le Douarin : “Data-driven marketing provides concrete solutions to act against the drops of in-store traffic”

The Internet and new technologies have changed the way consumers perpare and make their purchases. Customer journeys are turned upside down: previously mainly inspired by advertising and made in-store, 85% are now made online, drastically reducing the ability of the store sales force to act and influence purchasing decision.

Faced with drops in traffic in their points of sale, brands tried to reverse the trend, by greatly increasing advertising pressure (emails, retargeting, …) – we receive an average of one hundred emails per day in all of our mailboxes – and by the massive use of the promotion. Hasty solutions have proven to be destructive, both for margin, customer experience and the relationship of trust they offer their customers.

This observation reveals the limits of mass marketing, which is a pollutant and intrusive, and not at all adapted to the desires and real needs of consumers.

The urgency of evolving towards individualized marketing

To get back their true role as a merchant on digital channels that retailers previously held with their customers, brands must be aware of the urgency of developing their marketing means and the way they speak to each consumer. The challenge is to understand when they should speak to the customer, what they should communicate and how it is said.

This is where a data-driven strategy makes sense for retail chains.

By providing concrete answers to the questions marketers ask themselves on a daily basis, Data makes it possible to understand each of them individually and in multiple degrees

Immediately actionable customer knowledge which generates value

Whether physical, from CRM or digital, individuals navigation, the data, once reconciled around a unique customer identifier allows for the benefit from an omnichannel vision and to appreciate the unique journey of each individual, whatever channels they use to prepare and complete their purchase.

This unique vision of the journey highlights precious insights that will allow the marketer to accurately optimize campaign configuration.
By accessing a real-time understanding of the needs of each individual during their web browsing and by obtaining concrete information on the interests and intentions of each individual, the marketer is able to optimize media campaign targeting (an individual who has visited a “jeans” product page on the website can be identified and integrated into the next thematic “Jeans” media operation) or customize their e-mail or display campaigns based on the products actually viewed by the targets.

Reconciling data around a single identifier also makes it possible to assess consumers’ web-to-store journeys and opens access to key information on the preparation time of an individual’s purchases, and/or the value of these customers compared to exclusively store customers ….

It also optimizes marketing campaign performance, taking into account store transactions carried out using digital levers. We can now have a clear assessment of the impact of digital on sales at the point of sale.

There are multiple use cases of a data-driven strategy. Personalized product recommendations, special offers received at the right time, taking into account store purchase history and web browsing to offer the right products in retargeting, on-site display, by email, etc. These personalized action plans have only one goal: to provoke desire and bring the consumer into your brand rather than your competitors and develop an individualized and lasting relationship by being present on all points of contact enabling the customer to make their decision.


Join David Le Douarin, co-founder of Advalo and François Aspe, e-commerce and customer marketing director of the ERAM and BOCAGE brands for a webinar focused on the theme: “A data-driven marketing strategy to generate sustainable traffic and business turnover”.

