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[USECASE] BodemerAuto: + 4.40% re-engagement rate on a second leads thanks to the Advalo platform

[USECASE] BodemerAuto: + 4.40% re-engagement rate on a second leads thanks to the Advalo platform

The automobile purchasing journey is not immune to the upheavals induced by digitalization. The advisory role and expertise of manufacturers and dealers are gradually disappearing in favor of buyers who are now completely autonomous in terms of their purchasing project.

Things are also going faster, and it has become crucial for car brands to act at the right time so as not to miss the fleeting opportunities to generate inspiration and impulse that will positively influence the final decision of the buyer.

An issue was taken in hand by BodemerAuto, which sets up with Advalo concrete solutions to fully value each purchase intention detected by feeding it intelligently throughout the decision-making process of the individual.

The issue 

Before the creation of the BodemerAuto brand in 2012, the 32 dealerships of the group was divided into 6 different subsidiaries, operating according to their own marketing system. The meeting of its subsidiaries highlighted the need to be able to reconcile, analyze and exploit a large volume of data, with a view to automating marketing actions previously prepared and launched manually.

It is in this context that Advalo was chosen in 2015, to meet the need for a technical but above all intelligent automation tool, which will be able to segment ever more data, identify the potential of each client or prospect, and push the right messages, at the right times to increase lead rate and their transformation.

The Use Case

The majority of the actions implemented by BodemerAuto have focused on relaunching prospects following the completion of a lead.

Today, if ⅓ of the leads received by the group come from its own website, the remaining ⅔ are sent from other external sites such as specialized advertising sites like Le Bon Coin or manufacturers’ sites, such as Renault.

When a prospect expresses a lead by filling out, for example, a contact form, they are immediately integrated into a personalized marketing action reminder system intended to confirm and accompany their project until the final purchase made within the BodemerAuto dealership ecosystem.

Several campaigns are then implemented sequentially over time and on different points of contact (email, call, SMS …).

When the prospect responds positively to one of these requests, it generates a second lead and is directly contacted by the dealerships teams.

The results 

The BodemerAuto prospect follow-up campaigns generated a re-engagement rate on the second lead by + 4.40%.

By comparing the results of the individuals targeted by the campaigns with those relating to the non-targeted individuals, we observe that 327 additional individuals confirmed their first lead by carrying out a second following the recovery campaign.

Unsolicited individuals show a re-engagement rate of + 2.54%, a variation of more than 74% between prospects integrated into the recovery system and those with whom no specific action has been taken.

The different campaigns implemented via the Advalo platform therefore directly amplify the volume of new leads after the creation of the first lead.

Discover the use case in infographic 




« Advalo has shown us the power and credibility of its algorithms and models, whether it is to precisely and cleanly segment the database according to customer or customer prospect behavior or for the subsequent implementation of relevant campaigns . »

Also find here the interview with Antoine Bourdy, Marketing Manager at BodemerAuto, and our auto page


About BodemerAuto

Founded in 2012, BodemerAuto is the trademark of the Bodemer group, a family business created in 1926. To date, it has 32 dealerships distributing the Renault, Dacia, Nissan, and Alpine brands, mainly located in the west of France. With its 1,200 employees, the Bodemer group is part of a context of rapid growth and has a turnover of € 600,000 with more than 30,000 vehicles delivered.