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SEAT France invests in AI and data with Advalo to increase its reputation and accelerate sales in France.

SEAT France invests in AI and data with Advalo to increase its reputation and accelerate sales in France.

The automotive brand SEAT, accompanied by its respective agency  C14TORCE, has chosen Advalo the first individualized marketing platform to maximize the impact of its marketing and communication actions in France with its customers and prospects. By leveraging its omnichannel data, SEAT can detect purchase intention in real-time to customize its marketing actions to increase dealership traffic (more leads) and sales conversions.


In 2018, SEAT achieved immense growth within the general automotive brands market in France, with a + 26% increase in its registered vehicles. In a very competitive market, digital is a strategic lever for SEAT France to develop its reputation, differentiate itself and attract new prospects to its distribution network which is a key focus of its strategy. By using Advalo, SEAT wanted to speed up its prospects customer journey and more effectively exploit existing data from its website and customer base.


“An advanced and agile, powerful and accessible solution, we have found with the tool Advalo Pulse an excellent compromise to assist our client SEAT in their data marketing issues.
In addition, we have built a close-knit relationship between the Advalo and C14TORCE teams, which enables us to deploy and improve on a continuous basis the data use cases conceived with SEAT France. ” –Julien Richard, Associate Director Digital at DDB Paris.

Conquer new prospects identical to existing clients

In a highly competitive market, SEAT is reaching out to high-potential individuals who might have an interest in its brand and products. To identify them, rather than executing a random search on theoretical targets, Advalo AI creates an ideal prospect profile via data from the web site, detecting characteristics common to all the individuals interested by a model or who have recently purchased a vehicle model. SEAT then targets these high potential profiles for its digital media investments and to reach identical profiles of individuals already interested in the brand. This awareness and acquisition strategy enabled the manufacturer to lower its lead costs and increase the number of leads provided to its distribution network.


Retain existing customers and increase traffic in their network

As a first step, Advalo initially enabled SEAT to analyze its own omnichannel data for the purpose of better understanding its customers, and sending customers targeted communications throughout the customer journey. SEAT’s goal was to improve the efficiency of its communications and customer journey conversion.

Thanks to the artificial intelligence made available by Advalo, the SEAT and C14TORCE teams can automatically recognize in real time individuals with potential purchase intention and can detect a specific model that interests them. SEAT can then invite them to benefit from exclusive and personalized offers on its Private Sales website or send personalized emails including a unique offer of a vehicle in stock and encourage the client to visit a SEAT dealership throughout France.

In a context where customer journey is shortened and where fewer and fewer individuals buy at networks, SEAT wanted to speed up conversion and increase traffic by sending the right message to the right person at the right time. This promise was made possible through an analysis of the data of individuals engaged with the brand, which has become more and more precise over time with the improvement of the algorithms.

In 2018, the partnership with Advalo enabled SEAT to increase lead generation by more than 25% on Private Sales activations.

“In a sector that is almost exclusively focused on the physical, we wanted to put a digital strategy in place that would use our available data to serve our customers, our distribution network and support the growth of the brand. The first few months of our collaboration with Advalo have proved very promising: the teams are informative and business oriented, which provides us with an opportunity to see the initial results very quickly! All these actions allow us to prepare for the future, where data is a key focus of our strategy.” Concludes Brice Renvoizé, Digital and Experience Manager at SEAT France.


About SEAT

SEAT is the only undertaking that designs, develops, manufactures and markets cars in Spain. As part of the Volkswagen Group, the multinational company headquartered in Martorell (Barcelona), exports 80% of its vehicles, and is present in 80 countries on five continents.
In 2018, SEAT sold 517,600 cars, the highest figure in the brand’s 68-year history, earned a net profit of 294 million euros and a turnover close to 10 billion euros .

The SEAT Group employs more than 15,000 professionals and has three production centers – Barcelona, ​​El Prat de Llobregat and Martorell, where the very popular Ibiza, Arona and Leon are made. In addition, the company produces Ateca in the Czech Republic, Tarraco in Germany, Alhambra in Portugal and Mii in Slovakia.

The multinational has a Technical Center, which operates as a knowledge center that brings together 1,000 engineers who develop innovations for the largest industrial investor in R & D in Spain. SEAT already has the latest connectivity technologies in its range of vehicles, and is currently engaged in a process of global digitization of the company to promote the mobility of the future.

About C14TORCE and DDB

C14TORCE is an agency integrated into the DDB group and dedicated to the SEAT automobile account. The agency is in charge of the advertising and creative strategy of the brand, which it deploys internationally in more than 80 countries via the DDB network. Beyond the communication component, the C14TORCE France teams specifically support SEAT on the subjects of digital experience, customer acquisition and data marketing.